Agricultural Resource Management:
The Stearns County SWCD's role is to work with producers and land owners to help identify and assist with solving agricultural resource concerns. We can may be able to assist with planning and funding in a number of different areas. Check out the additional items below to see if any of our programs or services are of interest to you.
As always, our staff is available from 7:00 am to 4:30 pm to answer any questions you may have. We can be reached at 320-251-7800 Extension 3.
Items We Can Assist With:
Conservation Drainage
Cover Crops
Energy Conservation
Nutrient Management
Pest and Weed Control
Soil Compaction
Soil Health
Programs We Can Assist With:
Conservation Marketplace Midwest
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
Cooperative Weed Management Grant
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
Hayed Buffer Program - Sauk River Watershed District
MN Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP)
Well Sealing
Photo Gallery

Project Examples/Fact Sheets
Animal Manure Management System
Erosion Control/CRP
Complete Farm Planning
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