MN Buffer Law :
For the most current information please see the State Buffer Law website for information of the buffer law. This site will provide the most current information of the law.
Stearns County SWCD Buffer Contact
Ben Ruley - 320-345-6474
Check your property online for Public Waters or Public Ditches here:
Requirements of the Buffer Law
Public Waters
Require a 50-foot average width, 30-foot minimum width, continuous buffer of perennially rooted vegetation or an approved alternative practice plan with the SWCD Office.
Buffers are measured from the top or crown of the bank. Where there is no defined bank, measurement must be from the edge of the normal water level.
MN Buffers Law for Public Waters started on November 1, 2017
Public Drainage Systems
Requires a minimum of 16.5 feet of buffer
Buffers are measured from the top or crown of the bank.
MN Buffers Law for Public Ditches started on November 1, 2018
MN Buffer Law
MN Statute 103F.48
Riparian Protection and Water Quality Practices
Compliance Tracking Plan
SWCD's are required by the Mn State Buffer Law to verify buffer compliance on a 3 year cycle. Detail in pdf below.
Watershed District Coordination
The North Fork Crow River Watershed District and Sauk River Watershed District enforce the MN Buffer Law on their Public Ditches in coordination with the SWCD.
Other Waters
The SWCD in consultation with local water management authorities, has adopted a summary of watercourses for inclusion in the local water management plan.

Requires SWCDs to make compliance determinations and track progress towards compliance
Requires SWCDs to notify the organization with jurisdiction over the noncompliant site when it determines a landowner is not in compliance.
Exempts certain land uses and areas from the buffer requirements
Allows landowners to meet the buffer requirements through other conservation practices that will protect water quality
Requires SWCDs to identify “other waters” for inclusion in local water plans
Requires SWCDs to assist landowners in complying with the law
Provides for enforcement by counties, watershed districts or the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)
Click here for more information on Minnesota Buffer Program Implementation.
Options for Compliance with the Buffer Law
There are numerous options for landowners to stay in compliance with the buffer law:
Voluntary planting of perennial vegetation for hay, pasture, wildlife habitat…
Conservation set aside programs like Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Reserve, CRP…
Installing “Alternative Practices” that meet the requirements
Meeting the requirements of and enrolling in the MN Ag Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP)