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Shoreline/Streambank Erosion Control & Restoration: 

Your shoreline is part of a large community which can have impacts far and wide. Maintaining or restoring your shoreline is essential for our waters health and to providing fish and wildlife habitat. This concept, often referred to as shoreland buffers or lakescaping, extends both lakeward and landward from the water's edge. Generally, a natural buffer strip at least 25 feet landward is preferred, but any unmowed or undisturbed area provides benefits.


We are available to assist you with technical information, design, cost share, and implementation of your project. If you are interested in a shoreline erosion control project, please contact:

Greg Berg
Riparian Resources Specialist

Stearns County SWCD
Phone:  320-251-7800 x 3

Direct:  320-345-6479

Shoreline/Streambank Stabilization & Restoration Benefits:

1. Controls shoreline erosion with deep rooted plants

2. Protects water quality by filtering runoff

3. Reduces flooding

4. Creates fish and wildlife habitat

5. Discourages nuisance geese

6. Low maintenance

7. Provides privacy

Project Fact Sheets:

Streambank Restoration & Stabilization Projects:

Raingarden Projects: 

Photo Gallery

Shoreline Restoration & 

Stabilization Projects: 

Misc. Projects: 

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